Best Construction Estimating Software Reviews

Gone are the days when construction business estimation was handled using spreadsheets or manual calculations. Thanks to technology, you can take a fresh start and rebuild your business with the help of construction estimating software. Such software is specifically designed keeping in mind the contractors so they can easily estimate the construction costs for their projects. It can estimate schedules, construction plans, and bidding prices along with various other features.
Moreover, the software gives you plenty of options that are tailored to suit individual requirements. And to help you, we have handpicked and reviewed some of the best estimating Software so you can choose the best for construction estimating services.

Best Construction Estimating Softwares Reviewed


At the top of our review list is CoConstruct software. Not only this provides features to enhance your workflow, but it also offers three service plans; Core, Standard, Plus. No matter any plan the customers select, they receive data exportation, email, U.S. phone support, and an onboard consultation.

After receiving a price quote and signing up, this software implements its policy of 30-days money-back guarantee. It also provides a free demo, how-to videos, and in-person training to enable you to ace this software.

CoConstruct went through a recent update, and a new service plan, RAMP, was introduced. This three-month plan includes providing the best residential building software to your business and starts from $49 per month. It also includes QuickBooks and Xero integration, and a quick start check-list.

McCormick SYS

This software offers a comprehensive estimation for commercial, industrial, and residential contractors. It has 4 estimating levels, namely WIN 1000, WIN 3000, WIN 4000, and WIN 6000. Whether you are an individual contractor, a small firm, or a firm that contracts billion dollars, this software is tailored to suit your needs.

It includes pre-built assemblies, which are 25,000 in number, and contractors can build accurate estimates through this. Moreover, this solution software can import electrical equipment prices from major services such as Trade Service. You can build your own pricing database, or change order tracking, manage time, and bill the material.


It is an all-inclusive construction estimating software while providing the best digital takeoff and project management tools. Though it is designed to meet the needs of commercial construction businesses, it is widely used as an estimating software because of its informative database.
It mimics the Microsoft Office Suite interface, which allows the users to access its features more conveniently. With this software, you will be charged with a one-time fee annually, and it does not bound you in a long-term contract.

Estimate Rocket

Contractors who want to increase productivity and sales without doing much hassle, this software is ideal for them.

It tracks, guides, and maintains data and ensure its security in every aspect. Estimate Rocket ensures the contractors to stay on track and get their services in streamline. Following up with employees and clients, scheduling appointments, or creating invoices, this software enables you to do anything without worry. You will see all the relevant project documents in one place so you can refer to them anytime you want.

Moreover, it helps you know the estimations, lead sources, crew performance in the field, and more.

B2W Estimate

Want to maximize speed and accuracy? This all-in-one software provides a high-quality database hence allowing the construction business owners and contractors to take their estimation speed to new heights.

This software is designed for big projects such as civil and industrial, but it also supports projects on a micro level, such as the construction of a new home or renovation. It comes with features desired by all the large, small, and mid-sized companies and integrates with third-party solutions, accounting programs, contract solutions, and project management. Similarly, it accommodates various construction businesses in detail. That's why it is recognized as one of the best construction estimating software.

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